3 Parasites Your Dog Can Get

Posted on: 30 March 2016
Your dog is probably one of your best friends in the world, and as such, you want him to remain happy and healthy. Unfortunately, dogs are susceptible to a few different parasites that can cause ill health and a variety of other problems. You should know of a few different parasites that might effect your dog. Roundworms These nasty little buggers are often seen in newborn puppies as the mother can easily pass them on through breast milk.
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Reasons Why Your Cat May Have Missed The Litter Box

Posted on: 29 March 2016
Your cat is normally a very clean pet, using the litter box whenever they need to relieve themselves. Stress is one reason you may periodically find little puddles outside of the box. But if it happens consistently, a physical issue may be the problem. Here are some of the conditions that may cause your feline companion to deviate from their normally tidy routine. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) Various urinary tract issues fall under this category of diseases.
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Five Reasons Why Pet Dental Care Is Important

Posted on: 29 March 2016
If you have a pet cat or dog, you're probably diligent about getting their shots and having an annual wellness exam. However, you may not have thought much about taking care of your pet's teeth. Just like with human teeth, good pet dental care can help ward off infections, prevent painful tooth and gum disease, and help your pet to live a long and healthy life. Benefits of good pet dental care
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Beyond Birth Control: The Additional Benefits Of Spaying And Neutering Pets

Posted on: 29 March 2016
The most obvious benefit of spaying and neutering your pet is to keep it from reproducing incessantly. However, there are added bonuses that will save you and your home from a lot of unpleasant behaviors, and may even save your pet's life. Behavioral benefits to spaying and neutering your pet When a pet reaches sexual maturity, instinctual drives cause your pet to engage in destructive and dangerous actions. Neutering or spaying your pet can minimize or eliminate these traits.
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